Impaired Driving by Alcohol or Drugs / Over 80 Charge/ Refusal to Provide A Sample

Impaired Driving by Alcohol or Drugs/

Over 80 Charge/ Refusal to Provide A Sample

Being charged with impaired driving by drugs or alcohol, over 80, or failing to provide a sample is a big deal. These are not minor driving offences, but serious offences under the Criminal Code of Canada. If you plead guilty to any one of these charges you will:

  • have a criminal record

  •  be impacted by cost consequences potentially for years to come (such as a fine, licence               reinstatement fee, the cost of the back on track program, higher insurance premiums etc.)
  •  be subjected to a driving prohibition (1 year or longer).


Driving a motor vehicle while subjected to a driving prohibition is illegal. Under these circumstances, the previously simple task of driving to work, or driving your kids to school, would be illegal. If you drive illegally, it could lead to you spending time in jail. 

This is why, if you are charged with impaired driving, over 80, or a refusal, you need the assistance of a lawyer from our experienced and reputable team. We will advise you about your options, such as what defences are available to you at a trial or if your matter can be resolved under the Highway Traffic Act (this would allow you to avoid a criminal record and potentially avoid a driving suspension).

Whether we are proceeding to trial, or negotiating a resolution for you, you can count on our expertise and professionalism as we vigorously defend your rights and interests at every step of the process.

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